远程医疗及其对医疗保健管理员的影响 远程保健在很大程度上影响着患者和保健提供者.

远程医疗, 或远程医疗, is a modern method of healthcare using remote communications to provide medical consultations and services. 大家可以想象, the ability to receive professional healthcare from the comfort of our own homes—without ever setting foot in a waiting room—is rising in popularity. 方便, 可访问性, and cost effectiveness has made telehealth an essential 太l in patient care. 那么,这个趋势是什么 远程医疗服务意味着医疗保健管理人员 在行业中? 让我们来探讨.


远程医疗 has single-handedly improved access to healthcare for many patients, 特别是那些在农村地区或需要预防性保健的人. 它正在改变医疗保健的交付和管理方式, 理想情况下可以提高效率, 降低成本, 以及更好的病人护理效果.

现在, 医疗保健管理员可以远程管理医疗保健操作, while enhancing communication and collaboration across the healthcare network as whole.


远程医疗减轻了医疗保健管理人员的负担. The real-time data encompasses patient issues, outcomes, 治疗 results, and resource allocation. 而不是手动跟踪资源和分析治疗数据, healthcare administrators can simply view an automatically generated report containing all the information they need. This enables healthcare administrators to make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, 进一步改善患者预后.


Aside from the obvious—that patients may schedule and receive care remotely—telehealth makes it easy to set up automated reminders to patients for appointments. This reduces the likelihood of missed appointments, wasted time, and rescheduling calls.


Using technology to schedule and perform healthcare visits is beneficial for maintaining electronic health records (EHRs). By integrating the systems and enabling 安全 messaging and file sharing capabilities, telehealth real-time data is automatically imported to the patient’s records, 节省时间,减少人为误差.


除了为医疗保健管理员简化电子病历之外, telehealth also puts the records in the hands of the patient—or at least in their browser. This allows patients to directly access their own medical records at leisure.

得益于远程医疗的实时通信能力, 病人也可以提问, 接受建议, 远程获取更新. Together, these things reduce wait times and improve care coordination at the healthcare facility.


增加患者获得医疗保健服务的机会, 减少等待时间和成本, improving provider efficiency and patient outcomes—these are just a few of the 远程医疗对医疗管理的影响. 准备好了吗??



There are many technological advances that make it much easier to monitor a patient’s condition at all times, without them needing to make an appointment or stop by a busy doctor’s office.

  • 可穿戴 & 家庭监控设备: Smartwatches, 健身追踪器, 医疗传感器可以测量心率等生命体征, 血压, 血糖水平. 还有专门的医疗设备,如脉搏血氧仪. All of these track, measure, monitor, and report information about patients’ health status.
  • 移动应用程序: 现在几乎所有的事情都有一个应用程序! 患者使用应用程序来跟踪他们是否在服药, 出现医疗症状, 饮食和营养的影响, 还有更多. 甚至还有跟踪心理健康状况的应用程序, 对那些有情绪障碍的人有帮助.
  • 视频会议: Especially beneficial for patients in remote areas or for whom travel is difficult, video conferencing is a wonderful new healthcare 太l that allows providers to observe and assess the patient’s progress from anywhere with Wi-Fi.


除了电子病历访问, 增强沟通, 简化流程, 降低成本, 远程医疗可以加强对病人的教育. 远程医疗平台具有提供教育资源的能力, 自我管理工具, and more; helping patients take a more active role in their 治疗. 这也可以导致更个性化的护理,为病人量身定制.

减少旷课 & 取消

错过远程预约要难得多! Wherever there is internet access, a patient should be able to log in and discuss their 治疗. 这减少了缺席和取消的人数, which helps healthcare facilities (and administrators) stay organized and efficient.


由于远程医疗的出现和兴起,有了如此多的积极改善, 不用说,病人的治疗效果会得到改善, 太! 设施运行效率越高, the better quality of care the patients receive—and all of that is due to healthcare administrators taking advantage of the latest in technology.


Because it involves the use of electronic communication to transmit and store confidential patient information, healthcare administrators making use of telehealth must take great care to ensure 遵守HIPAA 以及所有其他规定. A few of the steps healthcare administrators can take to maintain compliance:

  • 安全通信: It is crucial that any telehealth platforms used by a professional healthcare facility utilize 安全 encryption. 这有助于保护机密医疗记录.
  • 病人同意: Before sending any electronic communications regarding a patient’s health information, 病人必须表示同意.
  • 身份验证 & 授权: 以及双因素身份验证等方法, 只有获得授权的工作人员才能访问电子病历,这一点至关重要.
  • 数据存储: 存储的数据必须加密并设置密码保护, 为防止未经授权的访问而采取的许多措施之一.
  • 培训 & 政策: 医疗保健人员必须接受HIPAA法规的培训, 设施的政策和程序, 病人隐私法.

While telehealth is an amazing advancement for patients and healthcare administrators, it requires extensive and meticulous work by healthcare administrators to ensure that patients and their data are safe, 安全, 和保护.


远程医疗显然代表了医疗保健行业的一个重大转变. 任何重大转变都会带来新的挑战, ones which will be faced and overcome by the heroes of healthcare: the administrators.


It is important that all facility staff are trained and educated on the use of telehealth technology and processes. Employees must understand how to use the interfaces and how to ensure patient data is kept safe and confidential.


正确利用远程医疗的优势, the healthcare facility must maintain a robust internet connection and technological infrastructure. 视频会议可能需要额外的设备. 工厂投资所需的所有设备是很重要的, 远程医疗的成功使用.


这是政府的责任 医疗保健机构及其管理员 确保患者对远程医疗感到满意. 帮助病人理解并最终接受, 一些机构正在提供有关该主题的教育资源.


The impact of telehealth on healthcare administration has clearly been significant—and its capabilities are still being discovered! This technology has opened up new possibilities and will continue to do so for years to come. Will you be on the frontlines of healthcare administration as telehealth continues to grow and improve healthcare?


如果你对远程医疗的兴起感兴趣, 考虑获得医疗管理学位. The dedicated professionals who work in this field strive to improve patient access to care, 治疗, 和结果. 与一个 医疗管理理学学士学位 from 十大正规网堵平台’s accelerated, hands-on programs, you could be one of these healthcare heroes. 它可能是 你做过的最好的决定! 


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